Can I Kiss My Dog?

Returned from work and found your lovely friend gazing helplessly at you; You cant help but want to kiss his cute face, then you stop to this safe?

But dogs mouth is cleaner than mine, you'll say. But think about it, what has your dog been eating, licking, sniffing and all. before you kiss your dog or allow your dog kiss you, find out.

Some dogs carry bacteria and can be very harmful to the owners, and their kids.

Did you kbnow that kissing your dog can give you gum disease?

Some bacteria in your dogs mouth can lead to gum problems, which can further lead to heart disease, kidney disease and diarrhea, says CesarMilan

If you have to Kiss your dogs atall, 

  • Ensure your dog is clean, an indoor dog that stays clean round the clock.
  • Clean your dog's mouth regularly.
  • Stop your dog from sniffing dirts.

Keep safe...Dogs are awesome anyways.

Share your dogs kissing story in the comments box below.