Getting Familiar With An Adult/Aggressive Dog

Adult dogs are sometimes seen as aggressive dogs, sometimes due to the intimidating size of the dog. However, it is important to know that not every adult dog has aggression issues. 


Often times I have introduced adult dogs to my home. As easy as this may sound, it might also be tasking. 

First Impression Matters

Lets start off with meeting the dog initially, for those who are intimidated by the size of a dog, It is ideal to know that if you think a dog is too big for you to handle, you probably shouldn't be handling the dog. If not, then take the dog by the leash and walk the dog(with the previous owner beside you) on a distance long enough to get him exhausted.

This helps the dog burn off energy and calms him on getting to the new home.


How well you conduct a routine for the new dog determines how fast your dog will get used to his new environment. It is your responsibility to set rules so as to avoid having a problematic dog later. 
Here are a few steps to help your dog understand how things are done in his new home. 

- Walk the Dog. It is very essential you socialize your new friend by taking regular daily walks. This can also be used for potty training. Right from the first day he gets in, do not allow him make the mistake of pooping where you don't want him to. Take him out for walks and spend more time in the area you want him to poop. As it is said, there's nothing that helps a dog get trained than consistency. Be consistent in your routines, 

- You want it? SIT! This is a very important step in bonding with your dog. Before you drop the food dish, before you let him walk out of the door, before you pet him. by doing this, he'll start to think all good things comes only when he behaves in a desired manner.

Don't share your meal. Its not ideal to share your meals with your dog.  if you do, then don't blame the dog for begging, Also don't add table scraps to his food. This way he'll understand people's food is strictly for people. 

Get your new dog acquainted with everyone in his new home. Allow everyone take turns in walking the dog. This way he understands his family members and knows how many people are included in his new family. Note: If you have a baby in the house then you might be taking a risk bringing in an adult dog. It is important for your dog to grow with your kid. 

This way, your dog gets the attention he needs, exercise and all the love he can get from the family,