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ASK FOR PERMISSION: it is very important that you ask for permission from the owner of the dog. This would enable the owner advice you on the temperament of his/her dog and even give you tips on how to get close to his/her dog.
APPROACH THE DOG SLOWLY: Don't approach the dog in a rush, you might startle the dog and stir up its temperament. ensure you walk slowly and in a friendly manner when approaching the dog.
SQUAT: The dog would understand your friendship proposal better when you're nearly at the same level.
SLOWLY OFFER THE BACK OF YOUR HAND: Bring out your hand slowly and offer the back of your hand to the dog. Take it close to his nose....slowly. If he smells or licks your hand he wants to be your friend but if he growls then "BACK OFF"
TAKE NOTE OF THE WARNINGS: If the dog growls or bares its teeth hes telling you to back off. Don't ignore this warning as it could be very dangerous.
LET HIM LICK YOU: When the dog accepts your friendship proposal he begins to lick you. Its offensive to the dog when you don't let him lick you.
WALK THE DOG: If all the previous steps doesn't work, ask the owner if you can walk his dog. Walk him on a short distance then try the steps again.